Costa Rica Quiz

Costa Rica Quiz

Costa Rica, the Central American country whose name literally means “rich coast”, is bordered by Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. One theory is that its name comes from Christopher Columbus’s impressions upon landing there in 1502. The natives were all...
Cultural Fashion Around the World Quiz

Cultural Fashion Around the World Quiz

When we think of what makes a culture unique, we often think of language, food, or customs. Yet, one of the most vivid and compelling expressions of cultural identity is often overlooked—fashion! Across the globe, fashion has the power to communicate a culture’s...
December Holidays Quiz

December Holidays Quiz

Do you have December holidays on your mind right now? Around the world, December is a time for many holiday celebrations. And it’s not just Christmas. For example, Jews all over the world celebrate Hanukkah and Black people in the United States often celebrate...
Denmark Quiz

Denmark Quiz

speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabiliseringsperiode No, that’s not a typo! The longest Danish word comes in at an astonishing 51 letters! It means “period of plan stabilising for a specialist doctor’s practice”. If you didn’t know that, did you know that the Danish...
Drinking Ages Around the World Quiz

Drinking Ages Around the World Quiz

Whether it’s holiday season, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other kind of celebration, these occasions often include drinking alcohol. You may have heard of drinking traditions like never pouring your own drink in Korea. Or moving your glass arriba, abajo, al...