Quiz Time

Drinking Ages Around the World Quiz

Whether it’s holiday season, birthdays, anniversaries, or any other kind of celebration, these occasions often include drinking alcohol. You may have heard of drinking traditions like never pouring your own drink in Korea. Or moving your glass arriba, abajo, al centro, pa’ dentro (up, down, center, and inside) in Spain. But do you know who is actually able to drink in different countries? Drinking ages and rules vary from country to country and culture, religion, and safety all play a role in determining them. Whether or not you choose to partake in drinking yourself, knowing about drinking ages around the world will make you more culturally aware as you travel, work, or move overseas. Cheers to that!

Ready to test your knowledge? Take our quiz to learn more about drinking ages around the world!

Cultural Mixology's Drinking Ages Around the World Quiz

Cultural Mixology - Quiz Cover - Drinking Ages Around the World

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