Generations are Cultures Too!

Generations are Cultures Too!

Can you relate to these famous George Orwell words? “Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” The existence of four (soon to be five) generations in today’s project management...
So Much to Learn About Syria

So Much to Learn About Syria

Syria has a rich cultural heritage that is hardly ever spoken about due to the unfortunate crisis that is dominating the headlines about the country. So, we selected some unusual and captivating facts that we thought you might like to know: Bring swords and shields to...
¡Las generaciones también son culturas!

¡Las generaciones también son culturas!

¿Puede usted identificarse con estas famosas palabras de George Orwell? “Cada generación se imagina a si misma más inteligente que la generación anterior, y más sabia que la generación que vendrá después.” La existencia de cuatro (que pronto serán cinco)...